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Unit converters Car number plates Time of sunset Bicycle tours Small travel vocabulary (pdf) Quiz of coasts and rivers Geography quiz Quiz of countries Quiz of rivers and towns Quiz of flags, arms, and coins Quiz of towns and countries Animal quiz Brain training Find the difference Math trainer Puzzle

From words to numbers

Rewrite the word as a number. For example, given twelve the answer is 12. The available languages are German, English, French, and Spanish. At Options multiple languages can be chosen.

Options - Index.

Once all questions are answered correctly, the picture of an animal appears.
One hundred and thirty-nine
Three hundred and eleven
Eight hundred and eighty-seven
Two hundred and twenty-one
Nine hundred and fifty-five
Five hundred and thirty-seven
Nine hundred and fifty-eight
Time: Mistakes:


Languages: German

French Dialect Chose the appropriate spelling of 70, 80, and 90.
soixante-dix, quatre-vingts, quatre-vingt-dix.
septante, quatre-vingts, nonante.
septante, huitante, nonante.

Written numerals to look-up:

- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Latin
- Spanish

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Bernd Krüger, 2022